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Summer 2017 Swimwear Trends
It’s getting warmer and warmer outside which means Summer is almost here….YAY! The most exciting time of the year is on its way: we’re talking of course about the season...

Why should we wear a good sports bra?
It doesn’t matter what size your breasts are – small or large, A cup or G cup – this message is for you all!! It may be easy to think...

Black Lace
Her majesty – the “Black” lace.

Firstly lets talk about colour - unless you're going for the "Sex and the City" look, you probably want your lingerie to be unobtrusive. So, your lingerie wardrobe should include...

10 reasons why you should love small breasts
The online option “” allows me to look online in the privacy of my own home and find the best option that suites me

Why Shop Online: The less than fabulous Fitting...
I am a huge fan of clothes shopping in all its forms but online shopping for me is heaven! With everything going digital these days, the internet has revolutionized the...

Happy fathers day!
Why is it that men think it is ok – and I am talking from the tender age of 10 right up to grown men – to walk about baring...

The “no show” bra
You can dress it up or down – add bold, out there earrings, try it with heels, or even with classic casual takkies.

Life in Lingerie
Ever since my early twenties, I have had a small (possibly bordering on large…) obsession with Lingerie. Whilst it may sound a little quirky, I like the fact that lingerie...